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Best Advice From Janusz Kamiński

Best Advice From Janusz Kamiński

“You don’t always have to provide beautiful lighting, I often think ugly lighting and ugly composition tells the story much better than the perfect light”

Janusz Kamiński

Nice introductory sentence isn’t it!? For an enthusiast, or passionate, what could be better than learning new things and receiving tips from a famous cinematographer? Therefore, today we are going to see some quotes from the legendary Janusz Kaminski. Nominated seven times for the Oscars in the Best Cinematography category, winning two of them. He often works with Steven Spielberg, especially on the films Schindler’s List, Saving Private Ryan, War Horse, West Side Story, and much more… that said, here are some of his most popular quotes to get inspired or just to learn from. Without further ado, let’s get started right away.

Lincoln (2012)

“There’s always the intention to create visually stunning images, but ultimately, my greatest concern is to stay true to the drama of the scene.”

“When I read a script and like the story, I respond to it on an emotional level, I have a concept of who the characters are and where the story is taking us, and I then imagine how I can enhance the storytelling through visuals. The story automatically dictates how I’m going to light it. That may sound simple, but it’s not, because it’s my personal interpretation of a script that allows me to create the visuals. That interpretation is based on my own life experiences, aesthetics, education, and knowledge, all of which help to shape my understanding of a story.”

Bridge Of Spies (2015)

“You don’t always have to provide beautiful lighting, I often think ugly lighting and ugly composition tell the story much better than the perfect light. Sometimes a brightly front-lit image may be much more powerful than a silhouette. It all depends on the story. You can’t really preconceive certain visual metaphors, because then the symbol really isn’t a symbol anymore – it’s more of a gimmick. What’s great about cinematography is that you work from your instincts and people later see your work and come up with [an analysis] that you didn’t even realize, but which may make perfect sense.”

“You work in metaphors through light and composition, and the worst thing for me is to see a movie that doesn’t have that. You see a cinematographer’s work and there are no visual metaphors, or they are so afraid to create a style that it just becomes this nothing.”

The Judge Cinematography

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“It’s a big palette, the movie screen. I dare to compare myself to painters, but I just have a bigger canvas to adapt to. If you don’t like my painting, don’t see the movie, you know?”

“It’s important to remember that visual consistency is essential – you can’t suddenly start using very long lenses if you’ve been using wide lenses (unless, of course, you want the jarring effect this creates). At the same time it can become monotonous if you don’t occasionally temper that consistency.”

I’m learning more and more about lighting… But you have to be encouraged by the directors. They allow you make the choices that take the movies to a different level. Directors can allow cinematographers to advance to another level, because we all have that capability in us. Some are so scared of taking risks that they won’t allow their cinematographers to try something new. But you can create such powerful and meaningful images by taking chances…”

The Judge Cinematography

Made with the Ci-Lovers Lighting Diagram Toolkit

“We’ve all got the ability to do groundbreaking work, and nothing is stopping us from using very experimental techniques in a major Hollywood movie if the subject matter allows it and the director is willing to go there.”

“I love backlight not just for the sake of glamorizing [the subject], but because the direction of the light can represent storytelling, I don’t do backlights and then also add key lights and all these things. If I do backlight, I want to see that backlight. That’s my style, and that’s the way we’ve done it in every single movie. You get criticism for that kind of lighting and you get prizes for that kind of lighting.”

Which of these quotes stood out to you the most? Tell me in the comments, I’ll be happy to find out. See you on the next episode of the lighting breakdown.  A lighting breakdown just the way you like them. Stay connected so you don’t miss any updates. Tchaaaouuuu!

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